9-month Program

$500 per month*

Includes room & board and all program costs.

The cost for the Green Oak Ranch Residential Recovery Program is $500 per month with an additional $235 intake fee (So, the first month is $735).

*This price is deeply subsidized and only possible because of the generous support of our donors and the voluntary work program residents participate in that includes 30-35 hours per week serving in various roles supporting the operation of the ranch.

Part of recovery is
rediscovering one’s purpose in life.

This is often found in the joy of serving others. Serving on a work team is consistently referred to as a highlight of our resident’s recovery experience on the Ranch. Discovering “servant-leadership,” is powerful in the recovery process and fuels a sense of dignity and normalcy while on the path to a more hopeful future.

Work Teams

Work teams include:

  • Groundskeeping

  • Food prep/dining hall operation

  • Housekeeping

  • Nature center

  • Security

  • Maintenance

day-to-day living at the ranch

The residential recovery program at Green Oak Ranch uses a “social model,” involving group living, group and individual therapy, work, and participation in a variety of spiritual and recovery-focused meetings throughout the week.

Meetings and program activities are under the leadership of our Men’s Program Director and residents must agree to the program guidelines upon admission to the program. Residents who violate the rules may receive probationary restrictions or may be released from the program. 

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Your faith background

People from all faith backgrounds are welcome at the Ranch, and conformity to a particular religion is not required.

We believe success in recovery depends on a connection to our Creator and residents are invited to consider a relationship with Jesus Christ. Bible studies, prayer, and other Christian elements are central to the program.


2 things are true of any recovery program –
No program is perfect, and recovery is a journey, not a destination.

Green Oak Ranch Vista, Ca Recovery programs near me, recovery programs for addiction, recovery programs for alcoholics, drug recovery programs, faith based recovery programs, residential recovery programs, christian recovery programs

As with all programs, results are ultimately tied to an individual’s choices and actions. In our decades of experience and thousands of residents, we have found that those people who are willing to do the difficult work of recovery, and fully submit to their Creator, experience lasting sobriety. Green Oak Ranch is a safe place where men and women can find the time, support, and resources to begin a whole, healthy life free of drugs and alcohol.

Following the initial 9-month program, we offer a 6-month transitional living program at the Ranch. We also partner with several other sober living programs that are all designed to support a successful transition back into work/life in the community.

Recovery PRogram FAQ’S

  • Green Oak Ranch operates two programs that run simultaneously on different areas of our property. We have a retreat and event center used by churches, community groups, businesses and families. We also operate the Green Oak Ranch residential recovery program for men. These programs are complementary aspects of our organizational ministry and support one another.

  • It is one of the most remarkable aspects of Green Oak Ranch that we are “steps away” but “a world apart!” Pull through the gate and you will literally forget that you are in town. The experience is truly like being in a remote mountain retreat; peaceful, serene. Some even comment that it’s like going back in time – a slice of the old west!

  • All program residents live in dorm-style cabins. Separate areas and lodging are provided for men and women. Hearty, healthy meals are provided buffet style in our dining hall. Accommodations are comfortable in our retreat setting

  • Nine months from now is going to be here, regardless of whether you commit to a recovery program or not. The question is, what will your life look like nine months from now? Will you be on the road to a whole, healthy life that isn’t ruled by drugs or alcohol. Will you be restoring your relationships, employment and other connections? It likely took a lot longer than nine months to get to this point. In the experience of our successful program graduates it takes time and space to work through the complex issues that contribute to addiction, and to allow God to work in your life. Nine months is just the beginning, but it is the time you need.

  • Green Oak Ranch kitchen is 100% ‘peanut free’ and ‘peanut oil free’. In addition, our kitchen staff will accommodate dietary restrictions, food allergy and food preference needs, whenever possible or reasonable.

  • The camp provides basic first aid but no medical staff. Residents may leave the facility for doctor appointments or medical needs, by arrangement.

  • Following their 60-day probationary period, residents are allowed passes to leave the property for short periods during their unscheduled time. Visitors are also allowed with some restrictions. More details are provided to the residents upon admission. Residents agree to be 100% drug/alcohol free during their time on the ranch and agree to submit to testing at any time. Drug or alcohol use is grounds for dismissal from the program.

  • Green Oak Ranch does not have an on-site camp store. However, we are just minutes from grocery stores and other retail. After the initial 60-day probation period, residents may leave the property to purchase items they need.

  • If you like your admission review meeting can be held onsite and we can provide a basic tour of the facility, with respect to the program and privacy of the current residents.

  • The residents in our program have had success overcoming dependency/addiction to a variety of substances including alcohol, opiates, cocaine/crack, prescription drugs, and marijuana. Residents have also learned to overcome sexual and gambling addictions. All residents come to Green Oak post-detox. Residents agree to be tested for drugs alcohol at any time. Substance use any kind is grounds for release from the program.

  • We have a partnership with local detox center and will help you make arrangements to stay there before your admission to Green Oak Ranch.